
Jeremiah & Lamentations is unavailable, but you can change that!

Each volume of the Jimmy Swaggart Bible Commentary contains a detailed exposition of the Scripture and an easy-to-read commentary. Each passage is reviewed in its context and with its historical perspective, and the finished work of Christ is revealed from Genesis to Revelation. The work of the Holy Spirit is seen as never before as the Scriptures come alive for believers and their walk today!

in the same capacity, dealing with His Children (the True Church) and His Plan. Consequently, everything that the Lord does, is done as to how His Children are impacted, and as to how His Plan is carried out. Everything is going in that direction, whether it is obvious to the unspiritual eye or not! As one looks at the New Testament, especially the Book of Acts, one can easily see that which is important to God. No doubt, as mighty Rome ruled the world of that day, powerful things were happening,
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